Our Existence in Time

What we know about time is that , time is what a clock reads.In classical non-relativistic physics we define time as a scalar quantity.Time can be combined mathematically with other physical quantity to derive other concepts such as motion, kinetic energy and time-dependent fields. 

Galileo, Newton, and most of the scientists up until the 20th century thought that time was the same for everyone everywhere. This is the basis for timelines, where time is a parameter but after the publication of Einstein’s paper ‘On the Electrodynamics of moving bodies’ we came to know that time is not absolute,it is relative and the nature or direction of time is not simple but complex.Time flows in all directions.
Einstein’s paper on Relativity
(Image source: Google)

In movies like interstellar and web series like Dark,they excellently represented the complex nature of time.

If you have seen interstellar, then you must have noticed the scene when Cooper stuck in the 5th dimension of black hole where time is considered as a physical dimension, and there, he sees every moment of his daughter’s bedroom in infinte complex manner in the time dimension(since here time is a physical dimension).So here time and space access infinitely and they are not bound by anything.You have to define a proper time to get a proper space.
Here is the image of that moment where Cooper stuck in the 5th dimension of black hole( Image Source: Google)

One common question comes in our mind that is what is our position in time?
Do we exist infinitely in time between our birth and death?
Let me give you an example.
Suppose right now you are reading my article and after that you stand up and go near your fridge and start drinking water.Now divide the time in discrete manner, from the moment when you are reading the article till you drink the water, you will find your different positions in each set of time.For example, in first set of time you were reading the article then you stood up ,then you took your first step and then you moved towards the fridge(Imagine yourself in each set of point).So in each position of time you existed differently.You are not the same who is reading the article and drinking the water(that means you are not defined unique in time).You exist differently at each point of time.I know you are getting confused.But this is the nature of time.If you are still confused then let me explain.
Suppose,that you have a time machine and after drinking water you go back to the time when you were reading the article

Now Kidnap yourself!!

And then again go to the time when you took your first step towards fridge and again kidnap yourself in this set of time.
Now you will see your different forms at each point of time.Means,you existed differently at each point of time.
So between your birth and death ,if you divide time in discrete manner then at each point you exist differently that is we exist infinitely in time.

We think our life is full of coincidences but this is partially true.Everything which is happening to you or will happen is predefined.For each set of time and for every decision there are predefined results.
For example if you did not get admisison in your favourite place(you can assume anything else which is happened to you and you don’t like as it happen),then don’t be upset and don’t curse your luck.This has happened beacause this is predefined,and your future events will totally depend on this.Let me ask you a question.
Who are your best friends? and why they are so. This is because you all admitted in same institute and your friendship was predefined.Now think , if you didn’t get admitted in same institute then all the people whom you call your bestfriends becomes strangers.
So enjoy your life and always stay positive and believe that whatever happens to you, will give you positive results.
Everything that is happen,happens for the good.

Thank you for your valuable time, your suggestions are welcome.

Author- Shashank Gupta


  1. This gratitude comes from alot knowledge in space science.bro u have written a technical article which leads a scientific approach .go ahead bro❤️❤️


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